var _errorMessage = {"EACCP01":"The current password is wrong","EACCP02":"The password must be alphanumeric and must be {0} to {1} characters long","EACCP03":"The New Password cannot be the same as your previous {0} passwords used","EACCP04":"The New Password and Confirm New Password does not match","EACFP01":"The User ID is invalid","EACLG01":"The User ID or Password is invalid","EACLG02":"Your account has been locked due to multiple unsuccessful attempts. Please contact our Call Centre at 6278 9188.","EACLG03":"You do not have access to the Mobile module","EACLG04":"This password reset link is invalid. It may have been used already or expired.","EACSL01":"Please select your current location","EADSR01":"This scheduled request already exists","EADUM01":"User ID already exists","EADUM02":"User ID can only contain letters and numbers. Special characters and space are not allowed","ECMDF01":"{0} cannot be earlier than {1} ","ECMDF02":"{0} can not be same as {1}","ECMDF03":"Please select a result","ECMEM01":"Invalid email address.","ECMEM02":"System has detected an empty email address in your profile settings.
To update, click 'My Profile' ⇒ 'Edit Profile'","ECMEM03":"Email attachment file size exceeded.","ECMNF01":"{0} must be from {1} to {2}","ECMPV01":"Only {0} test items are allowed.","ECMPV02":"The following item(s) are NOT trendable: {0}

Please reselect item(s).","ECMRF02":"All fields are required","ECMRF03":"The {0} must contain {1} characters","ECMRF04":"The {0} is invalid","ECMUF01":"Please click browse to select file for upload.","ECMUF02":"Invalid file format.","ECMUF03":"Invalid file dimension. The image that you uplaod must be at least {0}px x {1}px","ECMUM01":"Error Send SMS","ECRRD01":"The requested time must be between {0} to {1}","EPWDV01":"A password reset link has been sent to your registered email address","EPWDV02":"You do not have an email address registered in Plexus. Please proceed to reset your password using SMS OTP","EPWDV03":"You do not have an email address registered in Plexus. Please proceed to reset your password using email link"};